Our Members
All Things Skin Organic

- Natasha Dias
- natasha@allthingsskinorganic.net
- 401-834-1888
- 310 Maple Ave Suite L04, Barrington, RI 02806
Architectural Design

- Hector Rios
- studio-rios@cox.net
- 401-487-6438
- P.O. Box 140 Barrington, Rhode Island 02806
Barrington Books

- Jennifer Massotti
- jennifer@barringtonbooks.com
- 401-245-79025
- 184 County Rd, Barrington, RI 02806
Barrington Christian Academy

- Michael Skazinski
- mikeskaz@bcacademy.org
- 401-246-0113
- 9 Old County Road Barrington, RI 02806
Barrington Women's Club

- Robin Bacon
- robinplus@aol.com
- 401-252-4177
- PO Box 274, 200 Middle Hwy Barrington, RI 02806
Bluewater Grill

- Brian Thimme
- bthimme@gmail.com
- 401-247-0017
- 32 Barton Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
- Michael Catanzaro
- catanzaroandsons@verizon.net
- 401-245-0707
- 61 Maple Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
- Erika Twohig
- erika@cedarhouseri.com
- 401-236-7154
- 5 Forbes St, Riverside, RI 02915
Chart House Realty

- Matt Antonio
- matt@charthouserealtors.com
- 401-246-4198
- 47 Maple Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
- Christoffer Meneses
- christoffermeneses@hotmail.com
- 508-250-5235
- 18 Maple Ave #277 Barrington, RI 02806
- Louise Melillo
- louise.melillo@nemoves.com
- 401-474-0404
- 68 Maple Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
Daisy Dig'ins

- Lois Coppolino
- daisydigins@aol.com
- 401-245-0580
- 123 Maple Ave., Barrington, RI 02806
- Carol Jean Carroll
- caroljeancarroll61@gmail.com
- 401-996-4919
- 82 Walnut Road Barrington, RI 02806
Floor Coverings International of Greater Providence
- Timothy Oswald
- tim.oswald@fcifloors.com
- (401) 535-7474
- 63 Sockanosset Cross Road, Suite 4C, Cranston, RI 02920
Gorra Financial Group

- Bryan Hoffman
- bhoffman@gorrafinancial.com
- 203-505-9654
- 13 Middle Hwy, Barrington, RI 02806
Grapes & Grains

- Matt Amaral
- mamaral@oceanpointins.com
- 401-245-2100
- 24 Bosworth St, Barrington, RI 02806
Hattie Ide Chaffee Home

- Dr. Barry Zeltzer
- barry.zeltzer@hattieidechaffee.org
- 401-434-1520
- 200 Wampanoag Trail Riverside, RI 02915
- Matthew Heffner
- mtheffner@heffllaw.com
- 401-737-1600
- 71 Maple Ave Barrington, RI 02806 United States
- Matthew Heffner
- mtheffner@heffllaw.com
- 401-737-1600
- 71 Maple Ave Barrington, RI 02806 United States
- Brett Wallick
- highlowelectricalllc@gmail.com
- 401-602-9103
- 30 Argyle Ave, #106 Riverside, RI 02915
High Rhode Building & Restoration, LLC

- Lyle RIchardson
- LRHighRhode@gmail.com
- 401-527-3531
- 200 Wampanoag Trail Riverside, RI 02915
Holmes Landscaping

- John Holmes
- Holmeslandscapingllc@gmail.com
- 401-230-3569
- 21 Hospital Rd Riverside RI 02915
Isaksen Solar

- Chris Johnson
- cjohnson@isaksensolar.com
- 508-491-6421
- 18 Pocasset St Fall River, MA 02721
- Karen Occhialini
- kocchialini@residentialproperties.com
- 617-894-5218
- 259 County Road | Barrington, RI 02806
- Julie Bianco
- kidsjunctionri@yahoo.com
- 401-245-3928
- 406 Maple Avenue Barrington, RI 02806
Lawrence Air Systems, Inc.

- Aaron Lawrence
- aaron@lawrenceairsystems.com
- 401-438-8525
- 153 George Street Barrington, RI 02806
- Anthony Pezzillo
- mrpezzillo@masteryma.com
- (401) 486-9953
- 286 Maple Ave Barrington, Rhode Island 02806
- Brad McLane
- brad@mclaneinsurance.com
- 401-433-4100
- 994 Willett Ave Riverside, RI 02915
Mi School

- Amina Mi
- miedugroupinc@gmail.com
- 401-561-0777
- 2823 Pawtucket Ave. Riverside, RI 02915
- Chip Muller
- chip@mullerlaw.com
- 401-256-5171
- 47 Wood Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
- Andrea Crivellaro
- andrea.crivellaro@mottandchace.com
- 401-245-3050
- 210 County Rd, Barrington, RI 02806
- Julie Chalue
- info@NEProperties.com
- 401-247-0900
- 282 County Rd. Barrington, RI 02806 401-247-0900
- Christian McElroy
- cjmcelroy@ft.newyorklife.com
- 401-301-7187
- 1301 Atwood Ave, Johnston, RI 02919
OceanPoint Insurance

- Matt Amaral
- mamaral@oceanpointins.com
- 401-245-3900
- 26 Bosworth St, Barrington, RI 02806
- Vilia Putrius
- vputrius@oceanstateballet.com
- 401-642-5143
- 37 North Blossom St., East Providence, RI 02914
- Jessica Phillips
- onsiterestroom@gmail.com
- 401-396-5157
- 116 Tupelo st Bristol, Rhode island 02809
One & Done

- Stephanie Borden
- stephanie@oneanddoneconcierge.com
- 774-991-1306
- 361 Seaview Ave, Swansea, MA 02777
Performance Adjusters

- Matt Mesore
- mmessore@performanceadjusting.com
- 401-724-9111
- 1525 Old Louisquisset Pike, Lincoln, RI 02865
Piccolo Children's Boutique

- Robin Silva
- rsilva26@aol.com
- 401-245-1839
- 290 County Rd, Barrington, RI 02806
Pilgrim Title

- Jim Belliveau
- jjb@pilgrimtitle.com
- 401-245-9500
- 47 Maple Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
Prickly Ed's Cactus Patch Native Plant Emporium

- Ed Moura
- pricklyedscactuspatch@gmail.com
- 401.248.4785
- 6 Barneyville Rd Barrington, RI 02806 United States
Prince Ali's Kebab

- Muhanad Al-CHALABI
- sowamsvariety@yahoo.com
- 401-246-4096
- 305 Sowams rd Barrington, RI 02806
Province Mortgage Associates

- Samantha Currie
- scurrie@provincemortgage.com
- 401-226-1582
- 50 Office Pkwy, East Providence, RI 02914
Re/Max River's Edge

- Michelle Cartwright
- michellecartwright@riversedgeri.com
- 401-245-2000
- 300 County Rd, Barrington, RI 02806
- Rick Chaffee
- Rick@rcroof.com
- 401-439-2978
- 20 Lantern Lane Barrington, Rhode Island 02806
Residential Properties Ltd.

- Ian Barnacle
- ibarnacle@residentialproperties.com
- 401-245-9066
- 259 County Road Barrington, RI 02806
RI Restoration

- Alexis Pollack
- alexisp@rirestoration.com
- 401-724-9111
- 1135 Charles St. North Providence, RI 02904
Roofing Doctor

- Sergei Miroshnichenko
- roofingdoctorcorp@gmail.com
- (401) 246-0711
- 12 Crown Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
- Mike Squatrito
- mike.squatrito@rumfordpetcenter.com
- 401-486-2416
- 182 County Rd, Barrington, RI 02806
- Jessica Chace
- jchace@standrews-ri.org
- 401-246-1230
- 63 Federal Road Barrington, RI 02806
Style Unleashed

- Karen Lynch
- klynch26@cox.net
- 401-245-2600
- 232 Waseca Ave232 Waseca Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
Steve Primiano's Custom Window Treatments

- Steve Primiano
- steve@primianos.com
- 401-245-7956
- P.O. Box 179, Barrington, R.I. 02806
Tanya Ouhrabka Life Coaching

- Tanya Ouhrabka
- tanya@tanyaouhrabka.com
- (401) 487-5868
- 59 Chapin Rd Barrington, RI 02806
The Book Nerd

- Cathy Cote-Martel
- thebooknerdonline@gmail.com
- 401-337-5228
- 70 Maple Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
The Gator Dumpster Bag

- Richard Baptista
- thegatorbag@gmail.com
- 1-866-428-6704
- 116 Tupelo St, Bristol, RI 02809
- Aaron Costa
- store0955@theupsstore.com
- 401-247-0290
- 18 Maple Avenue Barrington, RI 02806
Thrive Tribe Café

- Andres
- info@thrivetribecafe.com
- 401-264-0110
- 60 Maple Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
Tiffany's Men's Salon

- Raymond Hennessey
- info@tiffanyssalonandspa.com
- 401-245-3232
- 21 West St Barrington, RI 02806
Trinity Solar

- Glenn Rhodes
- glenn.rhodes@trinity-solar.com
- 401-903-0869
- 83 Bassett St Pawtucket, RI 02861
- Hannah Araujo
- vicflowers.ri@gmail.com
- 401-245-8700
- 606 Metacom ave Unit 1 Warren, RI 02885
Vienna Bakery

- Melissa Laplante
- info@viennabakeryri.com
- 401-245-2355
- 110 Maple Ave, Barrington, RI 02806
- Michael J. Geoghegan, Jr.
- mjgeoghegan@washtrust.com
- 401-246-7580
- 236 County Rd Barrington, RI 02806